Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Another Tuedsay

OK, I've been busy reading my book and haven't kept up with all this. The book is great though alot different from the other books in this series. I'm 3/4 of the way through it and need to get it finished so I can get on the TM's forum and chat with the other Twilight fans about all this. Now we all have to wait 'til December when the first movie comes out!! Twilight mania continues!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Is it Fri. yet?

Sorry, I'm still anxiously awaiting the big release of Breaking Dawn. And yes, I love Fridays anyway. I'm getting tired of reading all this hate about Stephenie Meyer's Twilight saga. It's stupid for people to put down something that they know nothing about. All the supporters out there can vouch for me. And the numbers will prove my point especially after the movie is released in December!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Dawn of a new day

This is the beginning of many things to come. I'm most excited about the release of Breaking Dawn at midnight Friday. Look out Barnes & Noble 'cause I'll be knocking down your door at 9:00am! I'm just not up to a midnight release party. Sorry, love the books, not the hour! So, this is the start of my new world.......